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Learn with Jogi Bishwanath

Discover the potential within yourself by engaging in Jogi Bishwanath's spiritual growth and guidance courses. Gain clarity in your life, revitalize your energy levels, improve your work, home, and personal relationships, and much more through Jogi's guidance. Whether it's through customized life transformation programs or energy clearing, experience a profound change in your internal and external world.

Jogi Bishwanath

Life Transformation 


Discover profound self-discovery and fulfillment in Jogi Biswanath's transformative course. Over three months, you will delve into mindfulness, self-reflection, and inner guidance. Cultivate self-awareness, clarify values, and nurture self-compassion. With personalized feedback and live sessions, unlock your inner wisdom and live a life of purpose and joy.


Cultivating Inner Peace


Welcome to our Inner Peace Program. This transformative course is focused on developing inner peace, or shanti kriya, as a way to cultivate peace in our external lives. Over the course of three weeks, you will learn guided meditation, breathwork, and a range of postures to help you live a more peaceful life. Join us and experience true tranquillity.

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Meditation Teacher Training


At our Meditation Teachers Training, we offer a powerful and transformative journey for yoga teachers, meditation teachers, and those in the wellness space. Our comprehensive program will deepen your understanding and expand your toolkit of offerings. You’ll learn how to guide mantra meditation, work with ceremonial fire, effectively guide someone into a space of relaxation, and understand the impact of environment. Enroll in our program now and take your meditation practice to the next level.

Kundalini Awakening Program


Immerse yourself in our transformative Kundalini Kriya Program at Jogi Bishwanath. You will learn how to unlock your inner energy and experience a deep sense of spiritual awakening through this powerful and immersive program. With expert guidance over 6 months, you will be guided through this life-changing practice, helping you to tap into your full potential and find inner peace.

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Karmic Energy Clearing Onsite


Experience the transformative power of karmic clearing with our expert services. Our Negative Energy Removal service will purify your life and home of lingering negative energies and help restore balance. Whether you need to clear negative energy from your surroundings or life embark on a sacred journey with Jogi Bishwanath to remove darkness and allow more light, peace and harmony.

Yoga Nidra


Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation that brings you to the border between wakefulness and sleep. It is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. While it may seem like simply lying down and listening to instructions, the practice goes much deeper, tapping into the subconscious mind to promote healing and personal growth.

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"Self-Discovery" meditation is a practice that encourages self-awareness, self-reflection, and a deeper understanding of one's thoughts, feelings, and inner self. This meditation can help you connect with your inner wisdom, clarify your values and goals, and find a greater sense of purpose and peace.


More programs

Shiva Kriya

Shakti kriya

Fire ceremony

Yogic Experience

Guided Meditations

Spiritual Consultation

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